Dear Shoreline Unified School District Community,

I send this communication to you with a very heavy heart. Over this past weekend, a tragic car accident claimed the life of one of our high school  students and injured another high school student.  Out of respect for the families and their privacy, we are not providing the students’ names at this time.  The entire Shoreline Unified community sends our deepest condolences to them during this devastating time.  

When a tragedy like this happens, it is important to know that each person will experience grief in their own way and that there is not one “right way” to process this loss.  Creating a safe space for your child to express themselves is a good  place to start.  Below are resources that will provide additional guidance on how to talk with your child about the loss of a close friend and if you find that you and/or somebody in your family wishes to talk to a counselor.

In addition to the resources below, there are extra mental health support staff at our schools.  These extra services will remain in place as long as there is a need.  Also, our school staff is prepared to process this tragedy with our students, in an age appropriate way, and to encourage any students who appear in need to access our mental health team.  There is no question that we will need to lean on one another and be mindful of those who need additional support in the coming days and weeks.   Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s school office if you feel that they need any additional support.

There is no worse experience as an educator than the loss of one of our students.  I know I speak for all of my colleagues in sending heartfelt sympathy to the families affected by this tragedy.   A strength of our small community is that we support each other, especially in our greatest times of need.   I encourage us all to take care of each other, and those who need us most, as we move through this difficult time.


Adam Jennings


Shoreline Unified School District 


Coalition to Support Grieving Students- Tips for Talking to Children

National Association of School Psychologists

Addressing Grief - English

Addressing Grief - Spanish

Coalition to Support Grieving Students - Concepts of Death- what do children understand? 

National Association of School Psychologists - tips for parents and educators

Available local counseling/supports:

Free 24-hour Line for Grief Counseling-Línea Gratuita las 24-horas para la Terapia de Duelo  (800) 837-1818

Hospice of Petaluma Memorial Hospice-Hospicio de Petaluma Memorial Hospice    (707) 778-6242

Marin Mobile Crisis

