Exam Day Logistics & Materials Needed
Morning Exams
Report to your testing location by 8:00 AM, see schedule for approximate end times.
Lunch: Students will be able to eat lunch after their exam ends before returning to class.
Afternoon Exams
Report times may vary by test. Please review times for specific exams.
End times will vary. Please account for transportation needs if the test exceeds 3 PM.
Lunch: Students will be released from class early to eat lunch before their afternoon exam.
All Exams:
Be ready to go when you arrive. This means pencils sharpened, stopped at the restroom, and having all necessary materials for testing (See list below).
Students can not be dismissed early. All test takers must remain in the room until all tests are collected and counted.
What to Bring on Test Day
Multiple sharpened No. 2 Pencils with erasers (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS)
Pens (Dark blue or black ink only)
Calculator (APES and Stats only)
Chromebook with charger (AP Spanish only)
A watch (not a smartwatch) so you can monitor your time
Water/Small snack
What Not to Bring
Chromebooks unless you are taking AP Spanish
Any exam-related materials (Notes, test prep books, textbooks, etc) These items CAN NOT enter the testing room
Cell Phones/Smartwatches - Collegeboard Policy is no phones in the testing room. Any phones brought on test day will be turned off and collected and returned to you after the exams have been collected.
Mechanical Pencils
Anything that makes noise
AP Exam Terms & Conditions
The College Board requires all students to accept terms & conditions. You will be asked for confirmation of your agreement to these terms as part or your test on exam day.